Tagged: hack the box

The Atman Hacks: Lame

Welcome to my blog! You’re here probably because you viewed my YouTube channel, “The Atman Hacks.” After viewing the walkthrough video for the Hack The Box Lame machine and getting the root flag, you can get the user flag by typing this in lame’s home directory: find . -name user.txt...

Hacker Rating!

After successfully hacking dozens of authorized Linux and Windows machines, I’ve been officially ranked as Hacker on Hack The Box (HTB). What an honor, seriously! I can’t emphasize enough how amazing it is to have hands-on ethical hacking/pentesting experience on HTB. I’ve learned so much since I joined the platform...

Not A Pretty Valentine

Hack The Box (HTB) has become my new hobby. Ever since I discovered it in May, I’ve been “breaking into” machines almost every day. HTB says it all, “Hacking is the new gaming” and that is so true for me. I rather do HTB than kill time any other way...