Purple Hat Dreams

The Atman Hacks: Lame

Welcome to my blog! You’re here probably because you viewed my YouTube channel, “The Atman Hacks.” After viewing the walkthrough video for the Hack The Box Lame machine and getting the root flag, you can get the user flag by typing this in lame’s home directory: find . -name user.txt...

Hacker Rating!

After successfully hacking dozens of authorized Linux and Windows machines, I’ve been officially ranked as Hacker on Hack The Box (HTB). What an honor, seriously! I can’t emphasize enough how amazing it is to have hands-on ethical hacking/pentesting experience on HTB. I’ve learned so much since I joined the platform...

Protecting Seniors from Cyber Attacks

I had lunch with a good friend today and she was telling me about the ritual of having to run virus scans after her grandmother is done using the computer. Apparently, it has become a daily thing and it may be getting worse. “I go to check on her and...

My First Hackable Machine – “Burnt Victim”

Today, I was able to finally upload my first hackable machine to my GitHub account. The machine was created in the style of machines used at Hack The Box (HTB). Burnt Victim was my final project for the Caltech Cybersecurity Bootcamp. I worked with two other teammates to make the...

CompTIA CySA+ Certified

I’m happy to report that I passed the CompTIA CySA+ certification exam on July 28! I feel so very proud of myself for such an achievement. The CySA+ certification is for mid-career Cybersecurity Analysts who have at least four years of experience in the field. My training at the Caltech...

Falling in Love with VirtualBox

I’ve always enjoyed using Linux distributions because they’re open source and way more stable compared to Windows. After UNIX Solaris, the second Linux distribution I learned to use was Ubuntu, about six years ago. I ran Ubuntu natively on a partition of my Dell Mini’s hard drive for a long...

Not A Pretty Valentine

Hack The Box (HTB) has become my new hobby. Ever since I discovered it in May, I’ve been “breaking into” machines almost every day. HTB says it all, “Hacking is the new gaming” and that is so true for me. I rather do HTB than kill time any other way...

The Old IRC Chat Rooms

It’s my understanding that the IRC (Internet Replay Chat) still exists. I’ve not visited a channel in about 18 years, I guess because making new Internet friends became easier with the programs using a graphical user interface that came along in the late 90s — ICQ is one for example....

Hello World! (Yet, again)

After having so many blogs and personal websites in my life, here is yet another one. The reason? Well, new career path and the need to showcase my interests and what I do with my ethical hacking skills. I guess despite the normalization of social media in our everyday personal...