My First Hackable Machine – “Burnt Victim”

Today, I was able to finally upload my first hackable machine to my GitHub account. The machine was created in the style of machines used at Hack The Box (HTB).

Burnt Victim was my final project for the Caltech Cybersecurity Bootcamp. I worked with two other teammates to make the machine a reality. As described on my Github, there are at least 3 different ways to get into the system and proceed to privilege escalation to capture the user and root flags.

The “Burnt Victim” Hackable Machine. Now on GitHub!

The project consisted of taking a Kali-Linux OS and modifying certain services and permissions to make it exploitable. Unfortunately, if you’ll be hacking the machine I can’t reveal more about what I did to it or it would be like giving it away.

Certainly, this will not be my last hackable machine. I really enjoyed the process and hope to create another one very soon and submit it to Hack The Box (HTB).

In terms of the difficulty-level for this machine, I would say it’s an “Easy” one because it’s meant for beginners getting started with pentesting/hacking.

You can download the machine directly from Google Drive at:

It’s a 14 GB OVA file that you can import into VirtualBox or VMWare. It may take up to one hour to download it depending on your Internet speed. I do hope you have fun!

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